Amiga Format 16
Rescue readme
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153 lines
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** RescueSource **
* Version 2.32 23-Aug-90 *
* Written by James Tough *
** for Amiga Format **
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* User Documentation *
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Rescue source, is a utility program to retieve source
text from the Amiga's memory after a visit from the guru
or similar software error, ie when the source text cannot be
written to disk before a reset. Source files from any pure
text editor can be rescued in this manner, and includes these
programs : Devpac V1 and 2
Cygnus Ed and Pro
Rescue source is useful for those persons who do not
have recoverable ram disks (like myself) with expansion
memory. I hope it is of some use to someone!!!! Perhaps??
The author accepts no responsiblity of any damage to
personal property, or otherwise caused by this program. Use
it at your own risk! (although I am pretty sure that this
version is bug free (famous last words!!)).
To use Rescue source, four varbiables have to be supplied. Firstly
the <search type>, an ascii pattern to signal the start of the source
text in memory <start text>, an ascii pattern to signal the end of
the source <end text>, and finally a filename to output any memory
contents to <save filename>.
Search Type - Specifies the type of search conducted on memory
-1 to use both <start text> and <end text>. This method
searches through memory for the start text, and finds the
end of the source by looking for end text.
-2 to use both <start text> to find the start of the source
and looks through memory until it comes across an illegal ascii
character. The ascii range starts at 32 (space) and ends at 255.
The range also includes 9 (tab), 10(newline) and 13(carrage return)
Null string (ie, nothing) defaults to -1
Start Text - Specifies the start pattern to look for.
Generally, the start text is a name or pattern located at
at the first line. The identifier must not exceed 20 characters.
NOTE : All text in the identifier is case sensitive.
End Text - Specifies the end pattern to look for.
All as for Start Text. End text should not be given if search
type -2 is used.
Save Filename - Output filename
The filename should be directed to disk. This ensures that no
source in memory is overwritten and subsequently lost, as it
would be if the RamDisk is used. If no filename is given, then
a default of 'rescue.s' is used.
Examples - Rescue *-*-*-* ***CodeEnd source, searches for '*-*-*-*'
---------- at the start of the source, '***CodeEnd' at the end
and outputs the memory to 'source' using search type 1.
Rescue -1 Enigma end df0:Enigma.s, searches for 'Enigma'
'end' at the end, and save the memory to the internal
Rescue -2 ????? df0:source, searches for '?????', finds
the end when an illegal letter is found, and saves the
source to 'df0:source'
When Rescue source loads, it forces itself to chip memory. This
ensures that it does not overwrite any text in fast memory (where
the text is most likely to be). If there is no fast memory, then
this does not matter. If fast memory is connected in any form. then
it will search this first. Fastmemory can be in any form, whether
it be an A501 (or similar), or larger boards. Chip memory is searched
last (rescue also handles chip memory larger than 1/2 meg).
NOTE : Rescue does not find any identifiers within itself.
While looking through memory, it will update where it is currently
looking every $10000 (65536 decimal) bytes.
On the event of finding any complete source files, the user is
presented with the source's memory location, and length in hexa-
decimal, eg
Found at $c26bfe, len $2ef5 Save(S) View(V) Exit(X) -
The user has three choices, save the source from memory 'S' or 's'
view four lines 'V' or 'v' (this can be repeated to get a mini listing
of the source in memory, like the CLI command Type), or exit from search
'X' or 'x'.
If more than one source file is saved, then a file extension is
added to the end of the filename to differentiate saved files. The
extension is only a '.' and a decimal number that increases after
each save.
Rescue also captures various DOS errors if there was a save error,
and explains why. If this is not possible, it then prints the DOS
error code in decimal. It is upto the user to find out, although
most errors can be evened-out by swapping disks, and using a different
file name.
I hope this utility is useful to some one (there should be someone
out there who likes it!). If there are any bugs, please report them
to me and I should be able to sort them out. Any ideas on improvments
too, are greatly appreciated. Finally, if anyone would like the
technical documentaion and the source code together, then send the
modest (and it is modest) sum of £2 to -
Mr J Tough. (disk generously supplied by me!)
26 Deeside Gardens,
AB1 7PN.
Thank You